ArtWeb offers 3 options to sell online. Paypal, Stripe (accepting Visa and Mastercard payments directly) and offline methods (cash, cheque or bank transfer). You can choose 1 or all 3 together. Whatever you prefer.
To set this up there are essentially 3 steps in making your website ready for selling online.
*Please note that selling online with Paypal and/or Stripe is only available for members with the ArtWeb Pro package. Click here to learn how to upgrade to the Pro package.
1a) For accepting online payments with Paypal
a) Firstly you need to have a PayPal account, if you don't have one, please click here and sign up for a business account
b) Next you need to enable PayPal Integration on your website by doing the following:
- Login to your ArtWeb Control Panel
- Click ‘Settings’
- Click 'Paypal Integration'. You will next see the following screen:
- Underneath 'Paypal Account Email' put in the email address of your Paypal account
- Switch Paypal Integration to 'on'
- Choose the 'Paypal button type' and the 'Paypal button Appearance'. You will see a preview of the buttons below
- Click ‘Save changes’
c) Now the 'buy now' link will appear under each image that you have set a price for.
* Please note a price must be filled in for any image you want to sell. Otherwise you won't see a ‘buy now’ button next to the image.
1b) For accepting online payments with Stripe
a) Like Paypal you need to have a Stripe account before you can start accepting payments. Stripe makes this very easy and can be done as part of the setup process in your ArtWeb Control Panel. To start the setup process, please go here:
- Login to your ArtWeb Control Panel
- Click ‘Settings’
- Click 'Stripe Integration'. You will see the following screen:
- Click 'Connect to Stripe'
- You will be taken to the Stripe website. Here fill in your information.
- Click 'Authorise access to this account' to finalize. You will be taken back to your ArtWeb Control Panel
- After a successful signup the green 'Stripe is connected' label will be showing
- Switch 'Stripe Integration' to 'On'
- Click ‘Save changes’
b) Now a blue 'Pay with card' button will appear under each image that you have set a price for.
* Please note a price must be filled in for any image you want to sell. Otherwise you won't see a ‘buy now’ button next to the image.
2) For accepting payment by cheque, cash or bank transfer
For your safety we recommend using Paypal or Stripe for accepting payments, however if want to receive payment by cheque, cash or transfer you'll need to make this clear on your website.
We suggest you create a page for ‘Orders’ or ‘How to purchase’ and add your purchase instructions there. A buyer can then contact you via the Contact page on your website or send you an email if you’ve put it on your website and you can discuss with them the payment process.
3) Your Terms and Conditions
It may be a legal requirement in your country to publish terms of sale on your website. We provide you with a template of terms and conditions which you are welcome to use on your website. Click here to read the FAQ on how to generate your Terms and Conditions page.