Troubleshoot for Finding Newly Uploaded Images

In case you uploaded new images but can’t find them on your website or in your Control Panel, please check the following:

1) All successfully uploaded images can be found in the 'Images' section of your Control Panel here:

  • Login to your Control Panel
  • Click ‘Images’ -> ‘Edit’


The newest uploaded images are on the top of the list. If you can’t find your images here, something went wrong in the uploading process. Please re-upload them following the instructions from the article here.

2) If you do see your newly uploaded images in the ‘Images’ section, please check the following. You need to make sure you have ticked the boxes in each individual image’s editor to make your images visible:

  • Login to your Control Panel
  • Click ‘Images’ -> ‘Edit’
  • Find an image that’s missing and click ‘Full Edit’

The boxes you need to tick are located on the right and look like this:


There are two options:

  • ‘Visible on my site’. Tick this box to show the image on your website
  • ‘List on’. Tick this box to show the image in the directory

After ticking, click ‘Save Changes’

Now when you go back to your website you can find the image on the page that you assigned it to.

Please note, after ticking the ‘List on’ box, it can take up to 24 hours before your image will show up in the directory.

3) In case the box ‘Visible on my site’ is ticked and the image is still not showing, please check the following. When uploading new images make sure to assign it to a page they are to be uploaded to. Images that haven't been designated to a page will default to the 'home' page. Or if for some reason no page has been chosen they will be found only in your image section until designated. To assign the image to a page:

  • Login to your Control Panel
  • Click ‘Images’ -> Edit
  • Click ‘Full Edit’
  • Scroll down and select a page from the ‘Page’ dropdown menu


  • Click 'Save changes'


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