Hosting Your Own Email

If you are tech savvy and wish to host your own email, this is possible. However for most users (95%) this is not necessary. We advice our general users to use our simple email forwarding service, so that email sent to your domain will be forwarded onto your normal email address. Please click here to learn how to set this up.


If you are tech savvy and have an existing email service on your domain name (i.e. a dedicated pop3 or imap account), you can keep your email with your current email hosting provider.

To have your domain working with your ArtWeb website and keep your email hosted on your email hosting provider:

Please contact your domain registrar customer support and tell them:

"I would like to host my website with a new host provider. In order to do this I wish to create a CNAME record for mydomain as follows:

www pointing to"

Please note the email forwarding options on your website control panel (Settings -> Email Settings -> ArtWeb Email Address) will still be available, but will have no effect as your existing registrar will control mail settings for your domain.


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