You can add a copyright watermark to your images. This will make it harder for others to use your images for themselves. You can add a copyright message to your images like this:
1) First make sure that the master copyright command is turned 'on'
- Login to your Control Panel
- Click ‘Settings’
- Click ‘Preferences’
- Next to 'Copyright Message' put in your name
- Switch ‘Copyright Watermark’ to 'on'
- Click ‘Save Changes.
2) Next you need to check that for every individual image the copyright box is ‘ticked’.
- Login to your Control Panel
- Click ‘Images’ -> Edit
- Start with your first image and click ‘Quick Edit’
- Tick the box next to ‘Copyright’
- Click ‘Save Changes’
- Repeat for all other images you wish to have a copyright watermark added
After this is done the copyright message will be added to your images. However if you still can't see the copyright message after a few minutes, you may need to regenerate all images and clear your browser’s cache to see the updated images. To do this:
- Login to your Control Panel
- Click ‘Presentation’
- Click ‘Image Sizes’
- Click ‘Regenerate Images’
* Please note that regenerating images can take up to 30 minutes. The more images your have the longer this takes. You will see a spinning wheel if the images are still regenerating.
To clear your cache please see this link from the internet on how to clear cache for your browser: