Creating Different Page Types

You can create two types of pages. Each works and looks differently. Every page on your website can be switched into either one.

  1. Gallery pages
    Gallery pages will show a gallery of images. Clicking a thumbnail image from the gallery will show an enlarged version of that image including more details. And if you’re on the Pro Package it will show a Paypal ‘Buy now’ button.
  2. Text pages
    Text pages are ideal for pages that require larger texts like exhibitions or workshop pages. Text pages allow for 1 image which can be much larger than the thumbnail images on a Gallery page. If you want to have a homepage showing 1 large image and text around it, set your homepage to a text type page.

You can switch the page type in the page’s editor like this:

  • Login to your Control Panel
  • Click ‘Pages’ -> ‘Edit’
  • Find the page that you want to switch the type for and click ‘Edit details’
  • Scroll down and from the ‘Page Type’ drop down menu select the page type you want to create.



  • Save changes

Please note in the list of pages at ‘Pages’ -> ‘Edit’ you can quickly see which page type every page currently has





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